Community Care
Providing survivors of long-term incarceration with critical support and access

The Challenges of Coming Home
While the promise of freedom is powerful, the road ahead for those granted parole is anything but easy.

On the day of their release, the Department of Corrections gives individuals
$40 and a bus ticket.
Access to housing, employment, and quality medical care can be difficult, and there are few re-entry programs in New York City focused on the aging and elderly.
Many returning home are in their 60s, 70s, and even 80s,
and after decades of confinement, inadequate medical care and lack of access to nutritious foods, their health is declining.
their health is declining.

Despite these formidable challenges, individuals returning home after decades of incarceration bring with them a wealth of experience, resilience, and a deep desire to rebuild their lives and contribute to their communities.
Their life journeys have equipped them with deepened perspectives, endless compassion, and a real desire to create positive change.
Three Stages of Support
We address these challenges in these critical areas:

Release Day
Parole Prep staff travel across the state to pick people up on their release day and bring them to their new home, wherever it may be.
We then help people purchase essentials like cell phones, groceries, medication, and clothing.

Community Care
After getting settled, people returning home work with staff to apply for public benefits, secure long-term housing and find meaningful and relevant work.
Staff will also accompany people to doctor's visits, meetings with their parole officers and other appointments.

Building Power
Long-term participants in our community engagement work help run weekly support groups and trainings for those returning home.
Participants are also active in various statewide advocacy efforts, serving as credible messengers and directly-impacted leaders.
We aim to create a network of powerful individuals who champion systemic change and advocate for the rights of all directly-impacted people.

S.O.S., "Survivors of the System", is our support group run by our Community Engagement staff.
The group meets in-person weekly to give survivors a space to share stories, support each other in the difficult transition, and provide a vital outlet for the immense emotional and mental health challenges following the trauma of incarceration.
S.O.S. Support Group
"Every need I had, they provided for me.
I served 29 years and 8 months. Until Parole Prep came into my life, I had lost hope.
I'm so happy to be free, enjoying life. I have a great job, surrounded by family and friends.
I'm so thankful for Parole Prep stepping into the lives of so many people and helping them. I hope this movement continues to grow."
Lamonte McQueen
Home Since October 2020